Friday, November 11, 2016

The Book To A Chapter Off-line!!

To discuss a distant call on the facts is to remember only the truth on how life has grown to be more than what is seen by any human being.  As much has been cast upon my hand I know of the facts and thereby the truth.  This has proven to be beneficial as I have found no guidance or compass that is a bearing to say that lies have become truth and truth has been just a view as an overlook.  To be finally able to understand the depth and scope of such I have decided to write more on subjects that will benefit only my hand in interim as it is the hand provided to me at birth and thereby the growth from that point to this I scribe.

The agility to even obtain private thoughts in this world now is and has been difficult.  Right now the internet has no protecting devises to stop what are being called hackers.  This is the computer/laptop that provides a greater freedom as the connection to the worldwide web is easier to control, this is a much older computer and runs the programs of the 1990's.

A book that I will title 'The Clause of Mind' is my next endeavor to comprehend and communicate the following in more than I have written thus far in life.  It will begin by introduction and how each word that is spoken reaches the text of mind at the route of mouth to lessen conversation and issue the effect of breaking glass by shattering communication as it is the day of the tweet by Twitter character's corked.  In effect of after puppet string has been pulled the etcetera of destruction lead typed construction by design that puts deed to the synapse and therefore the mapping of the human mind on context begun the actual map on course bringing knees to humanity.  The width of mankind has halted a walk down this old memory path and carved a gorge to the appetite of only said as a lettered carrier. The trying Times of Ages in dark letters on recorded history will record this as the technology is kept in a cloud of massive popular registry at each acceptance of the application of or chosen as usage to be used.  Humanity now once again has put to habit the computer only as a knowledge card to provide such shorted text that a three syllable word is forgotten at replaced.  This method of system is the slate holding their chore of synapse or possibly better said their natural human mind in lieu of their origin to source thought, the brain.

Society has nearly lost the ability for simply communication at any venue of write, not to mention simple directions of the famously getting lost to even attempt ability to find their way back by asking or natural signs of which way the wind actually blows.  Writing has gone to scattered use of the alphabet as letters and the decoding mechanism is left.  There are no dictionaries or easily available programs to decipher these new words that spell nothing and say every word at com.

In note to self I am feeling once again as I am recoding the hammered dust of the chisel at an Egyptian Wall. I stand instead with the same in exact and yet Centuries between??  No, it has been quite literally thousands of years as history dates those very same Walls at four to five thousand years old.  Oddly the event of cause remains to be the same.  Society is not even straining on the gears of such a repeat, as a result even old sayings come to this mathematic of happening in a division of multiplication of what mankind has done to and on this planet.  Earth is in trial of great disease.  The weather is again on a weave to the process of special stretch delivering more oceans to land.  The massive detail to include cities that refuse to either plan or worse, the people refuse to move their residence and or their Goods to accommodate this change.  As I am fairly familiar to nature on her adventure of the melting ice caps it proves to always be an exciting measure to identify the ancient or old text to modern day hemisphere and the appearance of said in history per person perk and thing.  As in many a text the coming from nowhere has indeed manufactured from the literal logos 'make (blank) great again' to the chants of popular religion in absolute sport of said spur as the wrist to the forehead of the mark itself on the lid of both and not one toss of the language that matched such strained.  For even the Pope the Catholic long to be determined the credited beast of mankind did not raise hand to say point as the bellowing signal went source.

The writes that have delivered more in the riddle than one would have expected, I in eventual will include in this the wicked clause that have true tour of those compasses to navigate this private study.  As I have no guide to now I am on the script of Tells.  In addition, great stun has been had by these parades of streaming my conscious as the watch of religions barrel such a Nostradamus pickle jar to the screw of such a jar on humanity itself.  I believe that just in naturally writing I have enabled my own mind to graze pace that delivers more to a naturally fitting girth.  As I decided at a young age that I am on a need to know basis only and perhaps this is the natural function of the mind of a genius.  Without further ado!!

A note of relativity from history the in actual,
math to alight bulb of what Reel,
film to know Kodak events at Spanned knowing 'as ton',
emotional Pharoah's this world as America goes to literal whirled,
society at a civilized bowel of loom.

The Country of such duct skirts in habit spill a phew at cost,
priced once the platters rocks,
at process the shale shifts,
gears go.

Shore Field to brief as Quark Sluft not the Energy Core,
the tunnel of what is movement in Time and Space,
these answered questions problem route??,
Mankind has literally erased by chisel shards allowed,
War Crimes to World Heritage,
dynamite residue now on the chalk of lakes,
the rain width will rise to say it talked.

A simple resident of application on the World-Wide-Web may have put to thought the hashtag as a Tell.  Formerly known as the pound sign and at that the crossword puzzle would identify it as a signal to sync; tic-tac-toe would suffice.  The signal being on the # sign at a game of nobody wins once the game is learned, in such the particular game is no longer found as only childhood would revel in such a numbering score as the addition.

At principle off sand to the count of the palm social skilled to speak is why society gained.  Now that the language shames the speak to awe??  No grains from words that people text to cell phones, this world has railed surreal.

Note to brief the narrow sentence is still the thoughts of letter's and truth for the human brain is marching Tweets to the Internet.  The decision of 2016 will become a numbering fight to sort the quick fax.

The mind thus fames what is a grunt of range at the sametime the brain is satisfied.  Perhaps the found is a connection to basic caveman as the grub.  The core work is a shrug while missing the eye contact of what is real.  Is this an easy foundation to ignore??  Not as the elephant is still in the room of the sending person's type to sync that satisfactory of thorough.  Country bread with slides in these blinkers makes the response left to the other-end of receipt and, or, the register of what the original text making Circus of the Trunk as at the original horn in ancient scripts announcing the sealed has been broken.

October 8,2015

A flat World on the crock in dish to tell the leeks,
as acceptance discovery swings to know that is Global,
the shoes of tied to fret and marrow which Craft is the corker,
that Evolution at the Pole or is the Coral collections?

The ride to age in times of locks does the fact become a shock,
to the intellect that argue spot how does the challenge than plate rock,
on the ink to fossils found in the shale of a ground,
where is the subject to the page for All is round in bearing cage.

The key in ring to sing a drip,
the sprout of Wheat the oats of Shipped,
Minds so proudly cart the stuff,
turkey banks and cheese the tuft.

A food Fight with the work of start,
a Elephant with wisdom light,
as the World turns,
shall the Human process stern.

A stage that puts the shouts to corn,
is the field wise to term,
now that it has been a truth,
where is the bearing compass light??

The argument of god aside,
keep your fate on Faith in cried but this shelfs to shoulders pied,
for in the Instant of just done the Earth is not the Flat sea tongue,
it has been shown through charging deeds with Museums at the cleat.

Religion loves to ram this bound,
butter rumps with all done toward a stick the tart to pop the thwart,
the Apple snack to Tree a snake,
even that can be kept with seed so as to not trouble religious deed.

In regards to digs and Caves,
Grand Canyon examples to deep per grade,
the depth of ignorance that counters trained,
has made religion look like played.

So thought condition the mental foundation of a brain on tack,
the sure has now a contact rack for Whom is which on last of stack,
that pointed finger raising voice to shout the turmoil in destructive noise,
as now the crazy is the crazy poi serving dates to fixtures soy.

So in essence the World was Flat until discovery Found it was not,
the World was considered to be unexplained a 5000 year Mystery until the Bones proved it was not,
all in all the Animals tall our History so much more than what has been pit a read,
for lies are lies are lies until the moment chewed and the Shale brought to proved,
'cause inside of that shoe shoo shoe we don't need science to say shame on you.


October 8,2015 ~ The Moving Text