Friday, November 11, 2016

Now just last year the voice of a mid-strike clear, how long will it be till words are no longer free to be red??


As the world ignores the state of emergency, 
men and women just be grained the soak as a song,
never did this change.

A couple of bunions on the Feat yet that process was Sand and that is the path of flies,
curiously people don't repeat history on teat,
the nurse handy is the jobs on the palm.

Tour to form on the ancient walls,
write told of bongs and the chimes on the sty,
eyes at the inside of up side gave guidance,
as the lest was realize that people are salad forks with spoon swiss bean sticks.

Third Staff,
the gear shift to in jinn ran to the shores,
blowing the price??,
no people Tribe the Like of Human odor,
sadly the brain is conditioned to Skunk,
the cent so powerful that it overwhelmed the best of bet pyke!!

This was the Ages of Times,
bottles broke in Message,
destroyed ancient artifacts called global heritage,
people should have Named rabbits as Buns the ole tie in of scrubs.

Jeans factored only the pools,
lakes came to dry bland of Tau were's,
the game of Human Beings energized only the Bat tour,
caves rant to rot and the bare Role barked nothing on notable,
nor understandable,
all was not lost just abandoned.

Inch by Mile man took apart the grace of earths grounds,
either by direct enter Vent shin or by the old degree,
fashion dressed the stage no stagger gave weigh,
interest drew Etch yet the Skechers weaned say.

Therefore by only deduction,
arithmetic metric and the Mathematical bell,
rings chored only statue and that was a tell,
made to be garbage than excused to be Come,
Mankind did the venture and the Rest bid the fare Well.

Course of pathways Mind gave not pause,
depth had nothing to shore Human pain,
round and round the circular of stride,
again the faces looked more like the shrill.

Screech Owls spoke as the Coyotes did bay,
wolves still were Fabulous in the Clouds steep,
thank full for Nature and her Nautical spill,
as each pass sing day gave dice and the Watch just sealed.

It was strange in the land of denial and slag,
as to say the rocks were not pebbles at shake,
the grooves of the cracks in fossils replace,
but the excitement was the growth of the Elephants lay!!

There has not been a picture or wind dial that does not whistle a Tune,
muse sick I am for the Ancient guides that once sang,
but that is the journey and sew is this trip,
a stitch in time is the saying of rhyme,
these berries such grapes wine and the glass,
learning the general balance of shaft.